Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

SiFany is real??

SiFany… a couple of Super Generation.
Dont open if you dont like this couple! And dont bashing..
Sebelum baca ini, plis jgn kecewain aku. Ini aku buat susah payah, dan tolong hargain kerja keras aku. Be a good readers. Dont bashing, okay? Thanks :)
same bracelet…

same Glasses..

same hat..

Same Jacket…

Same bag…

Same hat and glasses…

Same Keychains..

Same glasses (again)

Same Style :)

Same Wallet (Louis Vuitton)

Same Necklace (mirip) –> cuman beda warna aja

SiFany Moments…

Sifany SM Town LA after party
Fany curi2 pandang ke Siwon tuhh..

SiFany HUG Moments…

The other…

telling your boyfriend that you are sweating
Tiffany see siwon and call her

She says that she is sweating
So he like a gentleman show her sweat too
Tiffany scream and punches, Siwon go away
LOL they always play like this

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